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Running Late? Here's How to Have More Time

While it would be great to be able to summon a bit more time whenever we need it, this is unfortunately still something that is reserved for the future - or, at least, so we hope. Until then, it’s better to find ways to make a bit more out of the time you’ve got, and particularly in terms of prolonging those midweek mornings.


Image link: Pexels


Running late, skipping breakfast, and only doing half a job with your regular hair and makeup routine is, after all, something we’ve all experienced before. With these great time tips, on the other hand, you might be able to take the stress out of every 7 AM breakfast and have a few more minutes to enjoy the sunrise.


Here is a handful of tips to make every morning a little bit better so that you can have time for both breakfast and sleep.


First: Straighten out your bedtime routine

A great morning doesn’t just start with getting out of bed as soon as the alarm rings - it does, in fact, start several hours before this. In order to enjoy that little hour before work a bit more, it’s important that your sleep is not just on-time but also both sound and deep.

Try to sleep with your Apple Watch or Fitbit once in a while, for example, to get a better overview of your night health and a better understanding of why you’re constantly tired in the mornings. Keep in mind, however, that it’s quite normal to feel sluggish for the first hour after waking up - and most of us do need a bit of time before we feel fresh and awake.

With that being said, you can still make sure that you get the hours of sleep you need by religiously going to bed at the same time in the evening, never drinking any caffeine before going to bed, and staying active during the daytime. These three things combined will have you sleeping even sounder then Cinderella for those few hours before it’s time to get up.


Next: Prepare your mornings

No matter how well you slept, there are still ways to make your morning a bit easier so that you have more time to do the things you enjoy. Breakfast, for example, can easily be prepped the evening before so that you’re able to simply take it out of the fridge and eat it - or pop it in your bag to enjoy on your commute to work.

Check out these delicious breakfast recipes, for example, and stock up on some oats right away to get started. Any breakfast recipe you can prepare the night before will, undoubtedly, include oats so trust us on this one.

Now that you’ve taken care of your breakfast troubles, it’s time to get down to business; while it’s great to feel full when you arrive at work, it’s almost equally important to feel like you look somewhat decent. You could, in fact, even look great as long as you manage to do a few preparations beforehand.


Start by simplifying your work wardrobe, first of all, and create a work uniform once and for all for yourself. Getting dressed and ready for work doesn’t really have to be complicated at all and, as long as you’ve stocked up on some quality women’s t-shirts as well as some slim-legged pants or some high-waist skirts, you’ll have a fantastic outfit ready at hand in no time.

When you find something you really like and feel confident in, it’s a good idea to buy a couple in different colors. That way, you can get that feel-good look every morning without anyone questioning why you’re wearing the same clothes to work every day.

Another point to this is, of course, cutting down on the amount of time you spend if front of the mirror each morning. If your hair is long, you can make this quite easy by simply braiding it the evening before so that you can wake up to a tangle-free mane which requires zero effort.

Pamper your skin in the evening as well, go to bed with an overnight face mask, and wave goodbye to a grey and unhealthy look, in general, by staying on top of your exercise routine. It just makes it a lot easier to not only look great but also feel great before you start your day - and you’ll make the chances of still feeling good at the end of it a bit bigger as well.

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