Fairfield is celebrating their 80th birthday with 80 different craft tutorials. To join in on the celebration, I am sharing a tutorial for a knot pillow. If you haven't seen a knot pillow before, they are very popular and there are a few different ways to tie the knot, this is just one. For the pillow, we are going to tie a ball-type knot. I have included a video tutorial on tying the knot, to make it easier for you to follow. So let the celebration begin!
- stretch fabric
- ruler
- rotary cutter
- pins
- sewing machine
- coordinating thread
- empty wrapping paper tube
- poly-fil
- string, rubber band - optional
- Fabri-Tac - optional

Working with the full length of the fabric, cut a band that is 5" wide.
I used some fabric remnant I had on hand.

You can cut off the selvage ends if you desire but it isn't necessary.
Pin the width of the fabric together (right sides together) so that the 5" width is now 2.5".

Sew along this long edge, removing pins as you go.
You can sew one end of the tube closed if you desire.
A zig-zag stitch is desired for the stretch in the fabric.

If you didn't sew one end closed, you can use a cord to knot it closed or use a rubber band.

While still wrong sides out, insert a wrapping paper tube into the fabric tube.
Gather the entire fabric tube onto the wrapping paper tube.

This is a little tricky but it does work.
Stuff the closed end of the fabric tube into the center cavity of the wrapping paper tube and begin to fill the fabric with poly-fil.
Keep stuffing and pushing it down into the tube.
If needed, use a device to assist you like a ruler, or knitting needle.
You will need about 1/2 a pound of poly-fil.

If you find a hole in your seam, or actually create one by pulling too tight on the fabric,
I found that Beacon's Fabri-Tac works wonders and you don't need to sew the gap closed.
How to tie the knot:

I cut two lengths of fabric but only need one for the pillow, so I made two!
Suggested Materials:
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