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Kidecals Labels

Kidecals are an absolute must if you've got kids. You can label water bottles, clothing, books, toys, sports gear...pretty much anything with their trendy and fun designs. Kidecals are durable...dishwasher, washing machine AND dryer safe, and they don't damage surfaces. 

  • Personalized Kids Name Labels
  • Waterproof Labels
  • Fun Mustache Stickers
  • Chalkboard Labels that you can write on
  • Daycare Labels 
As seen on the Today Show personalized clothing labels:
kidecals is such a fun site for personalized clothing labels! Now that I'm getting ready to send my kids off to camp, I'm super picky about how I'm labeling everything. Labels HAVE to be waterproof and washing machine safe. No sharpies for me. kidecals clothing labels are crazy durable and I love their cute designs. They were even featured on the Today Show!Camp:

 You can save 15% off Kidecals the most durable waterproof labels on the market use promo code: bestlabels at

Try it - Like it Disclosure: I received complimentary products in exchange for sharing this information and  my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.

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