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Purex plus Clorox 2

I have always been afraid of detergent with bleach added. Will it bleach my clothes? I love that Purex plus Clorox 2 states it is safe for colors right on the bottle so I don't have to worry about it. I have always liked the Purex brand and its scent. When I was invited to this review it wasn't a hard decision to participate. 

Laundry tip: I like to add some vinegar to the last rinse of laundry. It keeps your laundry smelling fresh, it sets the colors of recently dyed fabric, it makes your clothes static and lint free, and you don't need to use any fabric softener sheets in the dryer when vinegar is added to your rinse cycle. Do you have any stain fighting tips to share? Add them in the comments.

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The Purex® brand provided me with a sample of Purex® plus Clorox 2® detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own

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