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Bacon Maple Crack Recipe Review

I saw this scrumptious video on Facebook from Get in my Belly. I knew I needed to try it so we put it together tonight. I wasn't really sure if it was an appetizer, breakfast, dessert or a treat. After trying it, I am still not sure. It could really be any of those things. If you like dipping your bacon in your syrup, this recipe is for you. 



  • cooked bacon
  • crescent rolls
  • brown sugar
  • maple syrup

before baking at 375 degrees for 25 minutes

after baking

You might wonder if you serve it hot or cold. Yeah, me too, I am not sure. It tasted good hot. I am sure it will be good cold if there is any left. 

I have to admit that after seeing the video, I didn't really measure the ingredients but just guestimated. My 10-year-old daughter helped me. She opened and spread out the rolls and poked it with a fork. I poured the syrup on and she spread it out. I cut the bacon up with a kitchen scissor (my favorite kitchen tool) while she put it on the dough. I put the brown sugar in a cup and gave it to her to spread out. We added another layer of bacon (which the recipe doesn't call for) and then more syrup and brown sugar. 

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