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Patriotic Napkin Band :: Free Printable

Make quick and easy free printable napkin bands.

Celebrating the 4th of July usually means picnics and backyard BBQs. This is a quick and easy way to add a little attention to detail. A cute Patriotic Napkin Band to wrap around your plastic utensils and napkin that will keep them together and secure. These bundles are great because you can grab them quickly when going through a buffet line or packing up a picnic basket. The napkin bands don't cost much but add a patriotic flair to your tablescape and you can easily make as many as you need. You probably already have all the materials you will need on hand to make them.

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napkin bands image
Download the free PDF file linked above in the materials list.

printing napkin bands
Print out as many bands as you need.
I found that one band actually wrapped around two napkin bundles.
Use standard copy paper so the wrapping is easy. 

cut out the napkin bands
Cut out the individual bands.

rolled utensils
Roll the utensils into the paper napkin. I found placing the utensils on the napkin at a diagonal actually covered and protected more of the utensil surface. 

wrapping the band
Wrap the band around the bundle.

add a glue dot
Use a Craft Glue Dot to hold the band tightly around the napkin.

finished napkin bands
Make as many as you need for your celebration. 

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