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How to Etch a Proper Portion Size Plate

January is the most popular month for people to go on a diet. The new dietary standard of portions for Americans can be found at If you are one trying to watch what you eat, you might find this portion control plate helpful. It is really easy to make using Etchall Etching Cream. I'll take you through the steps below and share a free SVG file for you to use on your own plate. 


I want to personally thank CricutTape Technologies, and Etchall for providing materials for this post.

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Use the free SVG file linked above to cut out in reverse on your personal cutting machine.

Weed and apply transfer tape.

Place the vinyl on the back side of the glass plate.
This can be a bit difficult due to its large size.
The wrinkles and air bubbles don't matter as long as they are away from the areas to be etched.

Coat all the exposed areas with Etchall Etching Cream and allow it to sit for 15 minutes.
Return as much etching cream to the container as possible because it is reusable.

Rinse in warm water, remove vinyl, and then wash thoroughly.

Finished plate showing the appropriate portion sizes.

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