This Yarn Bowl was made using scraps of yarn we saved from making pom poms. I love the color combinations of the different yarns. It makes for a great recycling project. I have to take a moment and have you notice the eggs. We are watching our neighbors chickens and these are the fresh eggs we gathered from them. Once again, I am drawn to the colors.
- bowl
- Press and Seal
- Mod Podge (or other glue)
- yarn scraps
- plastic bag
- water
Begin by putting a sheet of Press and Seal down (sticky side down) on your table surface. Place the bowl upside down on the Press and Seal. Then cover the bowl with a layer of Press and Seal (sticky side down).
This is the yarn scraps we saved.
Place the yarn in a plastic bag add Mod Podge and a little bit of water and mix them together.
Mixing by squishing the bag, ultimately I needed to get my hands into the mix.
Cover the bowl with the yarn mixture.
Make sure to cover the entire surface and press down on the mixture.
Allow the structure to dry - it might take a few days.
I saved some of the yarn scraps in case I needed to fill in any open areas.
Close up of the yarn bowl.
I like the rough edge but you could trim it to be smooth if you desire.