this is my beautiful calendar
Beautiful Calendar lets you access a variety of different designs so you can customize your calendar. There are a variety of styles to choose from, I am sure you will find one to fit your mood. I chose Kittens because the characters made me smile! (see image above) I can change it as often as I desire or as my mood changes. The calendar app shows up on your brower's seach page, making it easy to access and have available.
sample of calendar event
You can import your Google Calendar to your Beautiful Calendar. Each event is clickable for additional information as well as delete and edit right on the same screen.
sample of how the pop up works
One function I really enjoyed was clicking on a special date that allowed me to open an interactive greeting card that I could choose and send to that special person along with a message. Again there were a lot of variety to choose from. The app shows you how the card will look on the screen of a variety of devices.
Review opportunity via BlogsRelease and Beautiful Calendar