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Coconut Carrier Oil

I have been a fan of coconut oil for awhile now but I have never had the liquid version. I am enjoying using it instead of lotion. I've never liked the feeling of lotion, it feels greasy to me. I know it sounds strange to say that an oil isn't greasy but honestly, it isn't. GoPure Coconut oil absorbs into your skin really well. There is no odor so you can add a scent if you desire. 

Another way I use GoPure coconut oil is as a carrier for essential oils. Typically I use it with oils that might be hot or slightly irritating when used straight. I also use it when applying essential oils on my kids skin. 

Because of the heating process making fractionated oil, this coconut oil stays in a liquid form instead of it's regular solid form. This process also removes the scent as well as making it very shelf stable. This stability makes for use in lotions, balms, creams and many cosmetic applications. Fractionated coconut oil can be mixed with a variety of different beauty products like pigments, scents, essential oils... It can be used on your skin and hair. 

All of the above information makes GoPure fractionated coconut oil a popular choice among doctors and massage therapist.

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