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DIY Digital Picture Collage

Do you want to make a digital picture collage? You can access free downloadable software to make arrangement very easy. Collage It can help you with the task. You can get the software here. [link]

Ideas for using this software:

  • A collage of images from the past year
  • A collage of your child's artwork
  • A collage of images from a recent vacation
  • A collage photo gift for family or friends

I bet, once you see the possibilities, you will find your own additional uses. You might remember this post about creating a collage of your child's artwork. [link] The artist was charging hundreds of dollars for what this software can do for you for free. 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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