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Blog posts : "personalize"

Customize and Win

Each week, CustomInk rewards the customer whose photo shows the most group spirit through a photo contest.

“Be the CHANGE!” wins this week’s Ink of t…

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Create a Plate

Create UR Plate, Design your own plates with Plate-Ables™ You can create a glass plate or disposable plates. Create UR Plate has many designs to choose from. You can choose one of their designs, even making…

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Summer Camp Planning



Can you believe it is already time to start planning for summer camp. Registrations are open and parents are researching their options. You …

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The Making of a Cookbook


Ever thought of putting your favorite recipes into a beautiful book you can give as a gift or pass down the generations? Blurb is a company that le…

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Blurb Photo Book

This is just one idea for a photo book, a fashion book. But you can make a coffee table style book out of so many different ideas. Here are just a few…

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Designing with Vinyl :: Giveaway

Have you used vinyl in any craft creations? Receiving vinyl from Expressions Vinyl, I was excited to get started. I have a Cricut machine and I have c…

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Free Stationery

 stationeryEnjoy three (3) stationery samples absolutely free using the code 3FREESAMPLES at checkout. Offer is for a limited time only using the following lin…

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