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Winter k-cup giveaway

coffee cup

I use a k-cup every morning. My husband and I enjoy a cup every morning but since we drink it at different times, using a single cup coffee maker suits us. Now in the winter months, that warm cup and smooth flavor is really a welcomed start to the day. Flavored coffee adds variety and you can change your flavor to suit the season.

Is there a better-flavored coffee than Java Nagila (chocolate mint) for winter? Just hearing it makes me feel comfortable and warm. Java Nagila is a special limited time flavored k-cups from Java Factory. The flavor of chocolate and mint is subtle, the aroma is minty even before brewing. I enjoy adding chocolate syrup to my coffee so I was excited by this special winter flavor profile.



About the Product
  • Dark Chocolate and Mint Flavored Coffee
  • 100% Fresh Roasted Arabica coffee
  • New filter system delivers more taste per cup
  • Compatible with Keurig K-Cup brewers compatible, including 2.0 brewers
  • Limited Edition Holiday Seasonal Flavor

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Enter to Win

Only one prize per household, per 90-day period from Two Rivers Coffee, Java Factory or any of their affiliates. 

Enter here: a Rafflecopter giveaway

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