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Screen-Free Fun Week Giveaway

Activities for the Whole Family


Children’s Book Week is the same week as Screen-Free Week, April 30th - May 6th. There are a lot of fun things you can do with your family. Take a moment now to visit to get ideas to plan your week. 


I got to review Screen-Free Fun by Shannon Philpott-Sanders, a book with 400 activities for the whole family. I love that each idea has a suggested age range and a circle that you can mark off as done. Another great thing about many of the projects is that they typically use items you already have so there isn't planning or buying to do beforehand.

I remember when my daughters were younger and school was almost out, I would panic about how I was going to fill their days and entertain them. Do you do this? Summer camps and programs only do so much and they are expensive. Having a book like Screen-Free Fun to spark my creative juices would have been so helpful, I don't think I would have worried as much.

You can purchase a copy of Screen-Free Fun at (affiliate link) Amazon, it is available in paperback as well as a version for your Kindle. 

Get busy planning your Screen-Free Week now and enter to win a copy of Screen-Free Fun below to fill your summer with fun.

Enter Here:   a Rafflecopter giveaway

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