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Pillow and Honey Giveaway

Try it - Like it is helping to support this giveaway.
Hosted By:  The Binder Ladies
You've probably heard of Buckwheat products, but you may be surprised to learn that Buckwheat isn't really a wheat!  Buckwheat is a flowering plant that produces some really interesting products.  The Binder Ladies were given a Buckwheat Hull Pillow and a jar of Raw Buckwheat Honey to review from Mohawk Valley Trading Company - a company that prides itself on high quality, unprocessed, all natural products!
Stop over HERE to check out the amazing products they have to offer!
You can read The Binder Ladies' full review HERE.
Enter the Rafflecopter below to score Mohawk Valley Trading Company Buckwheat Hull Pillow and Raw Buckwheat Honey! That's a $70 value!  This is available to U.S. residents that are 18 or older.  Giveaway ends on January 10th, 2014 @ midnight PST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post, more are they responsible for prize shipment.  Winner will have 24 hours to respond after being contacted via email. If you have any questions, please contact

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