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Peaceful Fruit :: Review and Giveaway

Looking for an organic snack? Do you want GMO-free? And healthy? How about a socially good snack? You can get all that and more in Peaceful Fruits. Peaceful Fruits was founded by Evan Delahanty in 2014.  Evan fell in love with the Amazon during his time as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Suriname – a small country bordering Brazil, on the coast of South America.

Evan learned about the super food acai. Evan also saw how a renewable resource, like wild acai, can allow local people to access economic opportunity in a way that does not require them to sacrifice their environment or their way of life.  Wild-harvested acai gives people a way to make a living while still preserving their way of life. You get to support and benefit from all this by purchasing Peaceful Fruit

Peaceful Fruit is a dried fruit product, think fruit snacks that are good for you. I tried the apple and the pineapple, both incorporate acai. The look is much like a very thin house shingle. Upon opening, it feels much like any other fruit snack. The scent is a strong dried fruit smell. While both taste like their respective flavors, I preferred the apple version. It was a bit less tart. 

While Peaceful Fruit is a start-up company. Getting their name and product in the hands of the consumer is a definite need. Even more important because Peaceful Fruits gives the people of South America a way to make a living while still preserving their way of life. A definite win - win situation. 

I just wanted to add that while I was working on this post, I asked my husband if he wanted to try Peaceful Fruits. He asked what is it and read the packaging. He is pre-diabetic so he watches his carbs and calories. He said, "hey the carbs aren't bad on these". He took a taste, said hmmm apple and continued to eat the rest of the samples!

Peaceful Fruits is giving one fortunate Try it - Like it reader the ability to try their own samples.

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Samples were provided by Peaceful Fruits

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