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Craft Fail :: Book Review

When the package arrived with our copy of Craft Fail for review, my pre-teenage daughter took off with the book to read it. I finally got my hands on the book for review, sitting down with it, I went through it cover to cover chuckling along the way with a few giggles that escaped out loud. I don't know what it is about seeing craft failures, maybe it is the fact that we can all relate. You know, when the creative process goes terribly wrong. You have a vision in your mind, plan out the steps, take the plunge into creating and the result; well, not so fabulous. Lets face it, we aren’t Martha. 

Craft Fail is a great coffee table book. A fantastic present for your crafty friend. A go to book when you need to add a little humor to your life. In other words, it is a very enjoyable book that everyone can relate too. 

About the Author:
Heather Mann, the founder of and, has been crafting with middling success all her life, but blogging expertly since 2000. She is also cofounder of The Blueprint Social, a social media consulting company and network of influential bloggers, and cohost of the web show Get a Little Creative. She lives and crafts in Salem, Oregon.

When Homemade Goes Horribly Wrong
By Heather Mann
Workman Publishing • November 2014 • ISBN: 9780761179924• $12.95 (U.S.)

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