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The Power Of One Tray! Making The Most Of Oven Meals

Pixabay - CC0 Licence


The big problem we've all got these days is that there is no opportunity to make healthy meals. When we’re all so busy or our weekends are full of time constraints, we don't necessarily feel the need to delve into great cookbooks. But we need to have a handful of healthy meals at our disposal that's also low maintenance. Cooking meals in the oven is one of those easy hacks; you just put everything in and off it goes! But what are the rules for ensuring you make quick oven meals that are healthy yet tasty?


Focus On The Vegetables

The great thing about oven meals is that you can load them with vegetables which packs in so much flavor but also gives you your quota of vitamins and minerals. The most fantastic thing about using vegetables in the oven is that you can season them as much as you want, which can help keep fussy kids from complaining too much! If you're looking for some inspiration this roasted vegetable recipe is a good place to start. When we start to focus on the vegetables, in combination with the seasoning, we can turn it into pretty much anything we want. When you have fussy children and they don't like eating overcooked unflavored vegetables (let’s face it, who does?) you can turn the concept on its head. Give them sweet potato fries rather than blend generic mashed sweet potato.

Go For Hearty, Comforting Meals

One of the most fantastic reasons for having oven meals is it takes you back to a simpler time. You can get a handful of chicken thighs, toss in a few vegetables and a bit of a sauce and you've got something sumptuous which is filling, yet healthy! Hearty and comforting meals are so full of flavor. Remember, the longer you leave everything in for the more flavor it will accrue. You can make a fantastic casserole or one-pot chicken roast, this means you’ve got more of an opportunity to spend time with the kids or do important things around the house.


It's Not Just About Casseroles!

While the oven is a one-stop-shop for everything that you can cook with one pot, don’t forget you can make fantastic pasta dishes using the oven too! All you need is a handful of your favorite ingredients with some penne pasta and a simple tomato sauce and there's an indulgent meal that will fill the hungriest of bellies! Think about the best types of pasta dishes that your family wants and start experimenting! Because we don't have the time to slave over a saucepan we can let the oven do it for us! Using humble ingredients to make a really rich tasty pasta meal means that you don't have to rely on the oven as a way to make casseroles all the time! 

Oven meals are diverse, yet a lifesaver. When there's not much time to make an epic, homecooked meal, you need to start using the big bulky thing in the corner of your kitchen to your advantage! If you're struggling to get healthier food down your kids or you have no idea what to make, there’s plenty to choose from!


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