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Spring Jewelry

Little girls celebrate Easter with Easter eggs, Easter baskets and candy. Big girls - we celebrate with jewelry!  Here is a new bracelet I made just in time for Easter with all the colors of spring!




This design will vary with different kinds of beads used. I will post instructions later. The beads in this piece are from ArtBeads.

4.5 - 5mm Pastel Mix Potato Pearl

TOHO™ Bead Round 6/0 Sand-Lined Crystal 8g Bag 

Gold-Filled 2mm Round Seamless w/ 1.0mm Hole (1/20 14K) 

Disclosure: some of the materials for this bracelet were kindly provided free-of-charge by blogging program. The author of this blog has not received any payment from the above-mentioned company. This post represents only personal opinion of the blog author. 



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