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Lion Brand on the Road - Fiber/Craft Events

From Lion Brand on the Road: Visit Us at an Upcoming Fiber/Craft Event!
We love meeting you -- our customers -- in person! That's why we attend fiber & craft shows around the country, so if you're in the area, we'd love for you to stop by our booth, enter a raffle or get some free patterns, say hello, and see our latest products!

Stitches South - Atlanta, GA - April 22 - 25

Maker Faire - San Mateo, CA - May 22 - 23 (Pictured left; join us for beginner knit & crochet lessons, as well as kids' crafts!)

Knit & Crochet Show - Manchester, NH - July 9 - 10 (Also join us for the CGOA's Professional Development Day on July 7!)

Stitches Midwest - Schaumburg, IL - August 19 - 22
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