Many designers utilize public domain charted materials to create new designs for both needlepoint and cross stitch, with the bulk of the designs created from these resources being offered freely on various designers' blogs.
A list of some of favorites, completely free online resources for you to browse. Most of them can be downloaded in a pdf format whole or in parts, while others may be saved to your computer page-by-page. Directions for saving the patterns are available on most sites.
Check out the booklets for cross stitch, punto de marca, punto de cruz, tapisserie and stickerie as these are always charted. Designs range from simple and elaborate alphabets to borders, florals, pastoral scenes and more!
Be sure to browse the patterns for filet crochet as well, as these designs are often charted and feature simple designs that translate easily to needlepoint! Images for filet crochet range from flower urns and hunting scenes to alphabets and cherubs.
This list on the Free Patterns Page here on the site as well (look under Needlepoint Projects by Theme), to make it easy to find.
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