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Creatively Frustrated? It's Time To Make Your Home More Inspiring

Whether you create for a living or as a hobby, it can be extremely frustrating when a creative block sets in. That paralyzing feeling that makes you feel like a rabbit trapped in the headlights as you stare blankly at your canvas, screen or lathe. If you’re a hobbyist creator, it can feel like an important part of your identity is beginning to erode. Of you create for a living, it can provoke an avalanche of worries about missed deadlines, unsatisfied clients and an inability to keep your bills paid. 



Image by Burst via Pexels

In virtually all cases getting away from your desk or easel and getting moving is your best chance of reigniting that creative flame. Yet, while many would advocate taking a walk amongst the poetry of nature or taking a trip to a local gallery, while these can certainly get the creative juices flowing, they’re rarely practical. Here we’ll look at some ways in which you can draw the inspiration you need from your home…


Hang inspiring work by local artists
Identikit IKEA canvases are unlikely to inspire the creative mind. The work of local artists, however, can be much more unique and engaging. What’s more, it can help you to realize that if they can do it… you can too! 


Always keep an eye out for a local art fair and exhibitions by local creators in your area. You might just find some works that are both affordable and inspiring.


Bring the outdoors indoors

When you’re creatively frustrated, it’s important to stay calm and avoid panicking to get your mojo back as quickly as possible. We all know that plants, trees, flowers and other elements of the natural world can help to aid focus and keep us calm. For that reason. It’s always a good idea to keep house plants in any space where you create. Here are some plants that can aid focus, concentration and brain power while helping you stay calm and serene.


Tidy up

A disorganized living space is the natural enemy of the creative mind. But the fast-paced nature of 21st-century living means that most of us are often a little behind on our chores. Getting rid of visually distracting clutter can help to focus your mind, while the very act of repetitive acts like tidying and cleaning can help you to rest your mind and get back “in the zone” creatively. 


Let there be (natural)  light

They say that natural light is the “ultimate office perk”, helping to elevate the mood and aid concentration. So throw open those drapes, pull up those blinds and make sure your home is bathed in it. 


What’s more, if you have a view of plants and nature outside your window, just take a moment to listen to some gentle music, sip a cup of tea or coffee and just watch the humble drama of nature play out in front of you, even if it’s just watching squirrels play in your back garden.


You’ll find that creative frustration quickly dissipates when your home is on your side.

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