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Polar Bear Cookies

My daughter loves polar bears so it was so much fun making these with her to share with her class. This really isn't a recipe as much as it is a "put together" kind of cookie. The results are really cute and already have us thinking about alterations we can make for other holidays like bunnies for easter. 

The necessary "ingredients":

To begin, melt a portion of the chocolate bark. We used the tray the bark came in. Dip two marshmallows and a disk into the chocolate. Place them on the oreo. Set this aside to harden. Continue doing so for additional cookies. 

Melt chocolate bark. We used a glass measuring cup in the microwave and a fork for mixing as well as dipping. Take the prepared oreo from above and dip it into the chocolate bark. Use the fork to remove it. Give the dipped cookie a bit of a shake to remove excess chocolate. We found running the bottom of the cookie along the rim of the measuring cup also helped remove excess chocolate from the bottom of the cookie. Set this on waxed paper. Place an m&m on the nose area before the chocolate hardens. Continue with additional cookies until finished. 

Once the chocolate has hardened, you can use the black icing to make the eyes. We used a large prepared tube of Wilton icing. I would have preferred using the gel icing or mini chocolate chips for the eyes were we to do it again. We bagged each cookie individually in treat bags. 

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