Who doesn't like to be happy, and when you come across a company who's mission statement includes making people happy, you know you have found something good. 240 Sweet's mission statement says, “to make people happy through gourmet foods and drink".
I was so excited to try their Hot Chocolate Kit, I brought it with us as a special treat while on vacation. The kit includes two packages of marshmallows and one package of hot chocolate. It’s the perfect gift to say thank you to someone special and happy holidays. If you have never had a gourmet marshmallow, you are in for a treat. I have had their marshmallows on a variety of different occasions but my most favorite way is toasted.
If you would like to check 240 Sweet out or purchase your own treats, use the following links. And don't forget this special code for $10 off the Peppermint Hot Chocolate Kit; Coupon Code: holidaypeppermint
- Website: www.240sweet.com
- Direct link to purchase the set: http://www.240sweet.com/products/hot-chocolate-gift-set