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Making Candy

We were actually making no bake cookies. My daughter was enrolled in Mini 4H and for cooking, they had to make no bake cookies. We we went to the library and checked out the book No-Bake Cookies by Camilla V. Saulsbury. We narrowed it down to a few choice and then went with Carmel Mallow Goodies (image 1).

The Recipe:

1/2 cup (1 stick of butter) - we omitted
1 14 oz bag caramels, unwrapped
1 14oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 16 oz bag regular marshmallows
5-7 cups of rice crisp cereal


Melt the caramels and condensed milk in the microwave stirring it every 20 secs or so until totally incorporated. In another bowl place the cereal. Prepare for the production line... We used cookie sheets lined with parchment to place the finished pieces on. Using a fork, stab a marshmallow and dip it in the caramel mix and then into the cereal. Place this onto the cookie sheet. 


After making a few of these, we decided the marshmallows were too large, so we cut them in half. We also melted white chocolate and dipped the bottoms of theses into the chocolate and then drizzled some on top (image 2). Repeat with milk chocolate (image 5, totally covered: image 3). 

Using a candy mold, we filled it 3/4 full of chocolate and then added a drop of the caramel mixture into it and left it to harder. (place in freezer to rush the hardening) (image 4). 

So we ended up with a variety of candy from a few ingredients and a no-bake cookie start. 

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