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Winter Hat Christmas Ornament

These cute Winter Hat Ornaments are easy to make. They only take a few items that you probably already have at home and they are easy enough to make with children. Use one kind of yarn or a variety to create a striped hat. The options are really endless by using a variety of different yarns. This is a great craft to use up leftover project yarn.



  • yarn
  • scissors
  • tissue
  • toilet paper roll


toilet paper tube
Cut a 1/4 to 1/2 inch loop from the toilet paper roll. 

cut yarn
Cut lengths of yarn about 10" long. I wrap around my thumb and pinkie fingers and then cut on of the loops.

loop through
Fold one piece of yarn in half. 
Place the loop through the tube. 

ends through
Put the ends of the yarn through the loop. 

pull tight
Pull the ends tight. 

full tube
Continue to do so until the tube is full of yarn. 

Using one more strand of yarn, collect all the yarn ends and tie a double knot, very tightly. 

stuff tissue
Stuff a balled-up tissue into the hat to fill out the shape. 

Trim the top "poof" of the hat and play with it to get the desired fullness. 



  • You can use different colors of yarn to create a striped pattern if you desire.
  • Different yarns will create a different look, acrylic versus wool, etc...
  • You can use another piece of yarn to hang your ornament or insert a wire hanger into the top of the hat.
  • Instead of an ornament, use the hat to top off a bottle of wine.
  • Decorate a present using the hat like you would a bow.


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