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Recycle a Bowl DIY

I have seen a few artists create bowls and containers out of recycling newspapers and magazines. The process seemed difficult until I tried it for myself and I can tell you it wasn't hard at all. The tips I learned to make the process go smoothly, I will share with you in this post. My daughter and I spent an evening trying out this technique with pages from a fashion catalog. It was fun spending time together, chatting and creating. 


  • your choice of paper
  • wooden skewer
  • quick dry glue
  • rolling pin
  • mod podge
  • paint brush
  • metallic eyeshadow (optional)


Use one sheet of paper and the skewer, roll the paper around the skewer and continue until all the paper is rolled, use a very small bit of glue to hold the end in place. Remove the skewer. (see the video at the end of the post for tips and how-tos)

When you have a few pieces rolled, you will need to flatten the tubes. There is a variety of different ways to do this, I found using a rolling pin to be the easiest of them all. Some other options are to use a pasta machine, or pressure from your fingers. 

To create a vessel, use quick drying glue to hold your form in place. I found Scotch Tacky Glue to work really well on this project. Don't over apply glue, a small amount is needed. You will coat the finished project which will add an additional level of security to the shape. 

To coat the exterior of the vessel, I used straight Mod Podge on the exterior of the bowl. For the inside, I wanted a hint of gold so I added Gold Mineral Eyeshadow to Glossy Mod Podge to give it a hint of gold.

Tips and process:

Craft Frenzy Friday

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