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How to Manicure with Washi Tape

I have heard of people using washi tape on their fingernails. I watched a few Youtube videos to see how it was done. I wanted to give it a try myself and thought this would be a great post for our Creative Craft Blog Group January Tape Challenge. Thinking about how to go about things, I remembered a cool crafting tool I reviewed a while back which would really change the way it would be done. 

This post is a part of the Creative Craft Blog Group monthly challenge. For 2018 we have chosen to base our themes on materials. For the month of January, the theme is tape. Take a moment to visit the other members who are participating in the challenge.

Life Beyond the Kitchen • Washi Tape Storage Boxes


2 Dishing Divas • Duck Tape Braided Bracelet


Try it - Like it - Create it • How to Manicure with Washi Tape


Home Crafts by Ali • Easy Washi Tape Decorate Notebook


5 Little Monsters • Washi Tape Valentine Bookmarks




I had two different kinds of tape to try. traditional Washi tape which is paper-based and Duck brand which is plastic based. I thought the paper tape version would work better because it would cut easier and it was thinner.

begin by using a coat of clear polish on your nails

once the polish is dry, cut a piece of the tape and place it on your nail

here's the really cool thing - the Slice tool - it will not cut your skin so you can cut right on your nail bed

paper tape
here is an example of the paper-based tape, it tends to crease
the plastic based tape did too but less so

coat with clear
once finished, use a coat of clear nail polish on top

and you're done!

The Slice tool really did make a huge difference. The videos I watched had ladies drawing a line on the tape, removing the tape to cut out the shape of their nail and then re-applying the tape. I just placed the tape and cut it right in place. The secret is that the Slice tool has a ceramic blade that doesn't cut skin. It is really interesting because you can hear it cut the tape while you are pressing your finger with it but there is no pain. I can only imagine how much time this would save.

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