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How To Make A Ribbon Christmas Ornament

I am participating in the 2018 Ornament Exchange hosted by My Pinadventures. The lovely lady I am partnered with is Gail Griffin from Purple Hues and Me. So obviously, I made her a purple ornament. I really enjoyed making this ornament and I hope she likes it as much as I did making it. 

materials for ribbon ornament

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Begin by cutting strips of each color of ribbon to 3" lengths. The video that accompanies this tutorial will show the process and have a few tips included.

cut and roll ribbon for ribbon ornament
Roll the ribbon strips around your finger and use a straight pin to place it onto the styrofoam ball.

ornament in process for ribbon ornament
Place each rolled ribbon onto the styrofoam ball at different angles.

add hanger for ribbon ornament
Use a longer strip of ribbon to hang the ball from your tree.

finished ornament for ribbon ornament
This is a close-up of the finished ornament.
While it was made for a Christmas Tree, it would also look nice hanging from the center of a doorway the rest of the year!

The video tutorial for this ribbon ornament:

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