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How to Decoupage with Denise Boddey Designs

The decoupage paper I used was Quite Place. It is a part of the Out in my Garden set from Denise Boddey Designs. The one-sheet covered the entire project and was used in a few different ways. The Quite Place design has a colorful plant design with a subtle overall pattern. The different areas of design were used specifically on the birdhouse. The birdhouse makes a great decorative piece and there is a lot of attention to detail.

I am excited to announce that I am a member of the Denise Boddey Design Team.


  • Quite Place sheet
  • wooden birdhouse
  • green paint
  • sponge paintbrush
  • small paintbrush
  • decoupage glue
  • scissors
  • satin ribbon (green)
  • sparkle paste
  • UV resin
  • bird sticker


To make the leaves have more stability, I covered them in UV resin and cured it.
Then I cut out the leaf design and set them aside for later.

Using a Foliage Green colored paint, I covered the birdhouse with a thin coat.

Here is the house painted.

I began to fit the subtle paper design to the sides of the birdhouse using decoupage glue under and over the paper.

Using a matte decoupage glue added a nice sheen to the paper.
Trimming the paper to the bottom edge of the birdhouse while the paper was wet left a rough edge which I will hide later.

The back of the birdhouse has a nice surprising leaf design.

I added the decorative elements to the front. The resin leaves at the top and a bird sticker at the bottom.
In the above photo, you can also see the ribbon wrapped around the bottom.
I used decoupage glue for all of these elements.

The chimney and the circled end of the perch are also covered with the designed paper.

I also decoupaged the bottom of the birdhouse, paying attention to details.

For a final touch, the roof was wiped with sparkle paste, I applied this with my fingers for a light coat.


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