I was searching the internet for something new to crochet. I found a few different butterflies I really liked but I couldn't find a pattern for them. I decided to attempt to make some. The two different versions of crochet butterflies are shown above. The patterns are similar but you can see a bit of variety in the rounded versus pointed wing tips as well as the open holes in the wings on the right image. This is a great pattern to use up leftover yarn.
I found that you can crochet butterflies and donate them to the following charities:
Angels for Hope
Description: Angels for Hope sends hand-crocheted angels and butterflies to those who are severely injured and/or chronically ill as well as their caregivers. The angels and butterflies are a reminder that those suffering are not alone, and that others care. The Angels for Hope web site includes links to many organizations including American Heart Association, National Breast Cancer Foundation, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Polio Connection of America, and various caregiver support groups. There is also a thoughts, prayers, and hopes message board.
Donations: Crocheted Angels and Butterflies
Contact Person: Cindy Gabner
Mailing Address:
308 Spring Road
Palmyra PA 17078 USA
Phone: 717-838-4235
E-mail: cindy@angelsforhope.org
Sunshine International Blankets of Love (SIBOL) accepts crochet blankets for donation to elderly residents living in care homes. It is a way to let these people know that they are not forgotten, that someone out there cares and wants them to be comfortable. Crochet shawls are also accepted for this project as are crochet butterflies which are added to the blankets. Donations are accepted from March – November. Make sure to check out all of the latest details on the website.
- 2 different colors of yarn (4ply acrylic yarn) similar yarn
- crochet hook size h
- yarn needle
- scissors
magic circle - 8 single crochet - slip stitch
Chain 2, 3 double crochet into each stitch, 1chain stitch
3 double crochet into each chain opening
change yarn color
3 double crochet 2 triple crochet 3 double crochet
fold in half and stitch up the center
attach antenna
For complete detailed instructions for both versions of butterflies, download the free PDF pattern. [butterfly pattern]