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Christmas Craft Block with Hy-lite

The moment I saw this Craft Block, I knew exactly what I wanted to make, a Christmas themed lighted block for my mantel. I know they have been around for awhile but I have never made one. This block was given to me by Hy-lite, a glass block manufaturer but this particular block is acrylic, light weight, and made for crafters. The process was really easy and quick. 


Many of the items I worked with for this project were provided by great companies I work with.
I want to personally thank 
Cricut, Hy-lite and Tape Technologies for providing materials for this post.

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Craft Block




cutting vinyl on the Circuit Maker
Cutting the vinyl on my Cricut Maker.

weeded vinyl
Vinyl after weeding and the transfer tape is applied.

vinyl on craft block
Vinyl placed on the Hy-lite Craft Block.

lights on craft block
I inserted the light strand and used double stick tape to adhere the battery pack to the back of the Hy-lite Craft Block.

lights off Christmas Craft Block
To finish, I wrapped the wired ribbon around the block, tied a 3 loop bow at the top and applied the foil bow in the middle.
The above image show the finished Christmas Craft Block with the room lights off.

Project tips:

  • Working with foil vinyl, remove the clear protectant sheet before cutting the vinyl.
  • If I could do it again, I would place the Craft Block opening at the top of the project so gravity would work better with the strand of lights.
  • I would like to try and etch the Craft Block, the etching cream I have states it only works on glass.

Hy-Lite links:

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