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Back to School Backpack Tags

I can't believe summer is over for so many kids and they are heading back to school. Thankfully we are headed out on vacation and don't go back to school until after labor day. But before we leave, I wanted to share with you these useful back to school backpack tags. There are two different styles for you to choose from. One with the information front and center, and the other with the information under a flap because I know you don't want to share personal information with just anyone. See how easy and quick these are to make. 


  • free pdf printables [flap tag] [no flap tag]
  • white cardstock
  • color printer
  • scissors or pen knife or paper cutter
  • packing tape
  • ribbon


printouts for backpack tags
Begin by choosing which print out you want. 

cut out tags for backpacks
Cut out the tags. I used a paper cutter to do so.

cover in packing tape backpack tags
If using this type of tag, write on the information in the window available.
This style is great for little ones so they can find the correct bus without worry.
Then cover in packing tape.

flip up cutting for backpack tags
If you are using this style of tag, cover in packing tape first, then cut along the lines for the flip tab opening.
Cut off the half circle at the top of the tag (there isn't a line there)

inside information for backpack tags
Both styles will get folded at this point.
I used the excess packing tape along the top edge and folded it over to close the tag.
Open the flap and write in your personal information.
This style is great for sharing information but not having it visible to any passerby.
If you desire, you can also tape closed the sides of the tag with packing tape.

ribbon for backpack tags
I use ribbon to tie the tags onto backpacks.
I burn the ends to make sure they don't unravel.

finished backpack tags
Cut a slit at the top and slide the ribbon through.
The tags are ready to place onto backpacks.

tie in place backpack tags
Just tie in place and they are ready to go!

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