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Wilton Tent Sale

I'd never been to the Wilton Tent Sale. The photo below is from the first day of the sale 2014. We took a road trip to attend. The main reason was to see all the cake decorating paraphernalia.  My daughter is enrolled in 4h cake decorating this year so I wanted her to experience all that there was to see. Our haul was nothing compared to some of the super shoppers and let me tell you about the wait to check out, it went on and on forever. 

Wilton Tent Sale

The Wilton Tent Sale, which is held in Woodridge, Illinois, is a popular event for cake decorators and crafters. This year’s Wilton Tent Sale will offer amazing deals on a wide selection of Wilton cake decorating and baking supplies as well as kitchen and paper craft products from Copco, EK Success Brands and K & Company.

Located At:
2240 W. 75th Street
Woodridge, IL 60517

Hours of Operation:
Doors will open May 30th, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Mon – Fri9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat & Sun8:00 am - 6:00 pm

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