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Stocking Stuffers for Crafters

10 great stocking stuffer ideas for the crafter in your life. Actually, they would make great gifts anytime of year!

Colored Pencils

Any set will do but the better the quality the better the colors. Watercolor pencils add the addition of being able to use them like paint as well as a pencil. 

Cube Video Camera

This is just a darn cute gadget. Small, portable and records rather nice quality video.


Small Sketchbook

Every crafter can appreciate a small sketchbook to carry around with them to record their ideas whenever they are inspired. 

Paint pen

Paint pens are fun. If you buy one, get it in a metallic color or their favorite color.

Instant Camera

Remember instant cameras? The Instax is very popular with the crafting crowd and teens. I know it is a bit large but once you own one, accessories and film packs will be a welcomed gift. 

No Stick Scissors

You might not know these exist but they are different than a regular scissor, they are no stick. Think cutting tape...

Ruler/Triangle Set

I know this is really a math set but every crafter can use a small ruler, this one is great and you gain the bonus triangles and protractor. 

Craft Store Gift Card

Whatever store you have in town, Joann's, Michaels, or Hobby Lobby. You could even consider a local store instead of a major retailer.

Sakura Black Ink Pens

Artist, crafters, basically anyone can use a black ink pen and these are fantastic.

Black Chalkboard Tape

Chalkboard tape would be fun, so would any colored tape; duct or washi tape.

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