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Skin Improvement Update with Cellumis

You might remember, I was invited to try a new skin treatment that delivers similar results to Botox without the injections or the dangers of infection from injections.

Cellumis Age-Defying skin serum delivers results similar to botulinum toxin (Botox) injections. Unlike painful injections, Cellumis is an easy-to-use liquid that provides the proper peptides and natural substances to release facial tension and nourish the skin.

Cellumis Advanced Eye Gel is an ultra-effective serum that dramatically reduces the signs of aging. Cellumis is able to not only eliminate but also prevent puffiness and bags under the eyes, boost epidermal regeneration and lessen the appearance of dark circles and fine lines.

When used together, Cellumis Age-Defying skin serum and Advanced eye gel provide both instant and long-term benefits that result in smoother, brighter and firmer looking skin.

Here is the results of the before and after of the effects to my skin. The before picture without makeup and without using Cellumis, is on the left.

It might be difficult to tell, but there is improvement. Look closely at the line from my nose to the corner of my mouth. It is more pronounced in the before image. My eyelid is less puffy. I am sure the results would be better if I remembered to use the product everyday. There were days I forgot. I can see that Cellumis would definitely improve my skin if I had more wrinkles. 

I was provided product in exchange for my honest review.

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