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Review :: Werther's Original Caramel Popcorn

History, tradition, generational - all words that fit Werther's. You may be familiar with Werther's caramels. But just because they have been around a long time doesn't mean they aren't current. I was able to try and share with friends their newest product, Caramel popcorn. It is the perfect blend of sweet, salty and crunchy. If you enjoy caramel, you'll want to try Werther's Caramel Popcorn. 

Join the Caramel Shoppe and gain a savings coupon. Join their community and enjoy special offers, baking tutorials, giveaways and sweepstakes, as well as Exclusive Recipes.

Try it - Like it Disclosure: I received complimentary products in exchange for sharing this information and  my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy.

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