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Coffee or Tea?

Which do you please, coffee or tea? Coffee in bean, grounded, or K-cup? Tea in leaf, bag or K-cup? How about hot or cold? You decide, but The Coffee Bean and Tea Company has you covered. Do you want it from a store, mail order or subscription? Yeap, they have that too. 

I like coffee, I like tea...

I actually do like both. I just started drinking coffee in the mornings. I used to only drink hot tea in the morning. My husband read somewhere coffee was good for you so he started to drink it in the mornings. I always liked coffee but as an after dinner or with dessert type of drink. I found that I like a little bit of chocolate syrup in my coffee, about a tablespoon. It really adds to the smoothness more so than the flavor. The Coffee Bean and Tea Company sent me two bags of coffee to try. (pictured above) We are working through the Mexican Organic Coffee Beans. Upon opening, the aroma was heavenly. We grind one cup at a time and use our refillable k-cups. The freshness is amazing compared to already ground store bought coffee. I am really enjoying it and I am looking forward to opening the Peru Organic Coffee Beans. I imagine the quality to be just as good!

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