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Dollar Tree's Anniversary Celebration

I'm thrilled to be partnering with Dollar Tree 
to share their special Anniversary Event Bonus Buys!


Halloween is just around the corner. I tend to buy snacks that I know my daughters will eat if they all aren't given away for trick or treating. One of our staple candies is Smarties. This year I will be getting ours from Dollar Tree. As a part of Dollar Tree's Anniversary Celebration from Sept. 28, 2014 through Oct. 11, 2014 tons of new Bonus Buys will include up to 58% more FREE for each item but only for a limited time so hurry to get in on the deals. Many of your brand-name favorites are available for a limited time in larger sizes, but are STILL only $1 each. From cleaning supplies and home décor, to health and beauty care, snacks, beverages, and so much more, Dollar Tree stores will be packed with super savings.

Bonus-sized Bags of Smarties® Candy are included. 

Wrap your Smarties for Halloween!

Free printable for mummy, frankensmart, pumpkin, web and dracula. Just print, cut and tape around your smarties!

Free PDF file [link].

Try it - Like it Disclosure: I received complimentary products or payment in order to share this information along with my honest opinion. Please see my Disclosure Policy

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