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A family member just gave birth to twin baby boys so I crocheted baby shoes. They are sized to about 12 months…
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A family member just gave birth to twin baby boys so I crocheted baby shoes. They are sized to about 12 months…
This is a super easy to make stuffed cat. My daughter is away at summer camp this week. She loves cats and stuffed animals, so I made this l…
A great quick project to get ready for cooler weather. Make it now for gift giving in the fall. Choose colors to complement and outfit or your win…
I wanted to crochet something and I posed the question to myself, I wonder if you can crochet napkin rings? Well, of course you can and if y…
Jennifer Jangles has a tutorial for making these Scrappy Scarves. I can envision them being really really long and wrapped around my neck multiple t…
I am Momma Hear me Roar shares a very detailed tutorial for this SoHoKu Tote bag. If you are new to sewing or seasoned, you will be able to work wit…
For Earth Day, The Fine Craft Guild posted a tutorial for making Plastic Sleeping Mats. These mats are great for sleeping outdoors and on the ground…
OK, so you have to pay for this pattern but it is too cute not to share this find with you. You can create a pin cushion or pillow from the pattern.…
The directions for this Seafoam Scarf can be downloaded for free at Ravelry. I like the wave like pattern it makes. I also think that the choice of …
Information from Lark Books:
We posted PDFs of 27 (!) free beading and jewelry projects featured on our
blog throughout 2012. Encourage your social …
I can't wait to try out this idea. A summer nightgown, and I need two, one for each daughter. These are like pillowcase pajamas but a take off from …