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What To Do When You Don't Feel Ready To Start Your Own Business

So, you want to start your own business but you don’t quite feel ‘there’. You don't feel ready. We’re here to let you in on a bit of a secret: nobody ever feels ready to do things like this. All of the biggest and best entrepreneurs out there have experienced a slither of doubt at some point - it would be worrying if they hadn’t. The difference between them and you? They did it anyway.


Read on to learn more about what you should do when you don’t feel ready to start your own business:


All Successful People Start Before They Feel Ready

Pretty much all successful people start before they feel ready. If people waited until they felt ready, they just wouldn’t get anything done! That’s what is setting you apart from the rest of them. Not your qualifications, not your financial status - did you know that many entrepreneurs dropped out of school, and started their businesses before they even had any money to back their business up? This isn’t to say you should make irrational decisions. It just means you should stop overthinking and start doing!




Stop Procrastinating

In the words of Richard Branson ‘Just get on with it and do it’. Richard Branson is a perfect example of an entrepreneur who dropped out of school and just went for it with his ideas. He wasn’t successful every single time. However, he learned from the mistakes he made, and best of all, he was more than willing to make them! If an idea of yours fails, all you can do is dust yourself off and try again. You can’t expect success and perfection every single time. All you can do is try.


Things That Can Help You To Feel Ready

Of course, there are things that can help you to feel ready for your venture. You could look at things like a masters of engineering management online, as well as other courses you could use to learn new skills and gain certifications. In fact, working on your skills and your personal development is something you should be doing consistently, whether you have a successful business or not. Try surrounding yourself with people who have done what you want to do, too, or at least find a mentor who can help to guide you when things get rough.


What Is It You’re Afraid Of?

Figuring out what it is you’re afraid of can often help you to break through walls and become more willing to just go for it. Perhaps it’s a change in lifestyle, and you’re afraid of being broke. Perhaps it’s just failing completely and being embarrassed. Whatever it is, you need to realize that everything is temporary and that you care more about what you’re doing than other people do. Don’t worry about what others think, and look at the bigger picture. Where do you want to be in 5 years time?


Doing lots of research is great and can really help you to develop a viable business - just don’t get too caught up with it and do something today to start!


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