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Easiest Bread Recipe Review

I read a post on It's Always Autumn for the Easiest Bread Recipe. I knew I had to try it out. We had it for dinner tonight.  The recipe has four simple ingredients and only takes about five minutes to mix together, and then it sits for 8 to 24 hours. My results were exactly as stated, it was crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. My loaf, pictured above, looks very similar to the images in the original post. My only complaint about the bread is the taste. My daughter loved it, I didn't. I thought it was OK - not bad but not great, rather floury tasting. I don't know that I have ever made a loaf of bread that didn't include some sugar to activate the yeast. My guess is that this loaf would taste better with a bit of sugar. This is definitely a recipe I would keep and try again. But, my next attempt will include sugar. 

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