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Nail Polish Flowers :: Wire Bracelet

wire bracelet

Making flowers out of wire and nail polish isn't a new technique. Although many have tried it with little success, I wanted to give it a try. In this post, I will share my techniques and the bracelet I made using them as well as some of the hick-ups along the way. 


  • thin wire
  • pencil
  • scissor or wire cutter
  • a variety of nail polish colors
  • thick copper wire
  • needle nose pliers
  • hammer


The easiest way to explain how to make the flowers would be in a video. The following video will show you my technique for making the nail polish flowers. There are other techniques, this is what worked for me. 

video tutorial

copper wire
Cut a length of copper wire for the bracelet

bend and hammer copper wire
Using needle nose pliers, bend the ends of the copper wire into loops, then bend the wire into a bracelet shape.
With a hammer and anvil, I hammered the wire ends as well as the wire to achieve the shape and harden the wire.

wrap flower wires
The blue flowers were intended to be the focal point of the bracelet.
The blue nail polish I used had glitter or sparkles in it. I don't know if this made it brittle or not, but you can see the cracks in the petals.

blue flowers
The damaged blue flowers - change of plans!

adding flowers
I had to remove the blue flower.

finished wrapping
finished bracelet

back of wrapping
showing the back of the bracelet and the wire wrapping.
Use the needle nose pliers as needed to tuck in and tighten the flower wires.

close up of flowers
close-up of flowers

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