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How to Easily Press Flowers

Do you know how to press flowers? I learned from my mom when I was very young. She always was on the lookout for things to press. She made pressed flower arrangements. Pressing flowers is really easy and you don't need any fancy tools to get good results. I carry on her tradition of pressing flowers and I use them for pressed arrangements of course, but also jewelry. 


  • Phone book or a heavy book
  • box of tissues
  • small scissors
  • flowers, weeds, plants, leaves...


You want small blooms and leaves, cut off the stems. Place them face down so you are somewhat controlling the way they will be pressed.


Greens and buds from trees work well.


I leave them pressed for about two weeks before I would consider using them. I want all the moisture out of the pressings. You can leave them stored in the book until needed. Once they are dry and pressed they are very fragile. I have all my mom's pressed flowers and she stored them in stocking boxes. I don't know if they even make those anymore but they work great.

So what can you make with pressed flowers? Pressed arrangements, jewelry, bookmarks, handmade paper, laminate them... How would you use them?

Don't forget to follow so you can see what gets made from these pressed flowers.

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