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Detox Bath Soak Recipe

This recipe is so easy and works for so many different ailments. It is a good idea to keep a batch on hand, you never know when someone will need it. My hairdresser swears by a detox bath for colds and flus. She says, even if you can't soak, make a paste out of the ingredients and rub it on your skin before showering. This bath soak will also assist with aches and pains due to over exertion. 


​So that's it, basically two ingredients. I found everything I needed at the dollar store. I was going to add oils to my mix but I found a bag of epsom salt that already had Lavender incorporated saving me a step. What does the Lavender do? It is a natural relaxer with balancing, calming, and purifying properties as well as a sleep aid. The baking soda takes away stress, which can act as a toxin to your body. Epsom salt removes toxins. Epsom salt is said to be able to help with the circulatory system as well as improving nerve functions. 


Mix together Epsom salt and baking soda, I used the entire package of each. This mixture made six half cup bags for me. I placed them in clear loot bags also found at the dollar store. 


Soak in as hot a bath as you can comfortably take. Soak for at least 20 minutes if not longer.

Your body should sweat during and after. Take a tepid shower afterwards to remove the toxins your body has sweat out. 

The addition of ginger will aid in causing your body to sweat due to it's warming effects. 

The addition of Eucalyptus oil possesses very potent antiseptic and anti-fungal qualities. It is known to be extremely effective against the common cold, coughs, and for remedying sinus issues, as it eases mucus, clearing the head of any “stuffiness.” Because it is both cooling and germicidal, eucalyptus can help with fevers and migraines.

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